Welcome to the Six-Pac Geocachers Anonymous support group.

If you find that you can't say no to caching, then you've come to the right place. If you have experienced marital trauma due to Geocaching, then you are among friends. If you loose sleep because you checked your email before going to bed and discovered that a new cache has just been released along your morning route to work, we feel your pain! If you can't hold a conversation without mentioning some sort of caching experience or term, we can help you.

We are Geocachers Anonymous and we are here to help you through what might turn out to be the most challenging battle to overcoming an addiction that you may ever face. We can't promise that you will ever become free of the desire to cache. In fact, we encourage you to continue caching with your family and friends. This might surprise you, but friend, it's not Geocaching that is destroying your life. It's your unmitigated relentless determination to cache at any and all expense that we are here to help you overcome.

We believe that all good activities done in moderation contribute to a healthy and enjoyable life experience and Geocaching is no exception. The man to the left is an example of someone who is WAY to involved in Geocaching. He has become so overwhelmed with the desire to find that next cache that he has deluded his self into thinking that he is powerful enough to lift rocks twice his size and ten times his own weight. To the right, we see our poor friend again as he franticly tries to gain higher ground so that he might increase his vantage point and discover that which he seeks as though he were gazing into the crystal ball of some toothless caching wizard from the North West Kingdom. This pursuit of the hidden prize has driven all manner of common sense from his person and has caused him to see his world through the dim shade of camouflage colored glasses.

It would seem that this situation is beyond all hope, but dear caching comrade, hope is not lost. There is still a chance to save yourself or your loved ones through our cacher intervention program. If you are still reading this page, then you are still able to help or be helped. There is one thing you must do that will change your perspective and give you the power you need to overcome this most agonizingly controlling obsession.


OK, now that we've delt with all that rubish...

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